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The German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO) is a scholarly, nonpolitical and nonprofit-making professional association open to all persons interested in the Middle East and North Africa.
You will receive the DAVO-Info-Service on a weekly basis. This email list informs the members of DAVO about announcements of conferences, job vacancies, grants, new research projects, calls for contributions to journals or edited books, and other news dealing with Middle East Studies. Due to the combination with the network of the European Association for Middle East Studies (EURAMES), more than 6000 scholars based in 116 different countries contribute to the information provided by the DAVO-Info-Service. Hundreds of young scholars, senior academics and other members of DAVO owe decisive steps in their career to this service
You will also receive the DAVO-Nachrichten, a printed journal of international Middle East studies, including a roster of members, announcements of future congresses, reports on past conferences, internet news, book reviews, presentations of institutions engaged in Middle East studies etc. Here, DAVO members can also draw attention to their latest publications and research projects, publish the summary of their dissertation and announce the call for papers for collective books, journals, or joint panels (two volumens per year, or a combined annual edition).
As DAVO member you can get access to MideastWire, a daily email service of important articles on the key political, cultural, and economic issues appearing in the media of the 22 Arab countries and the Arab Diaspora and which are translated into English. See the latest issue at The annual fee for regular subscribers is 199 US-Dollars – it is only 15 Euros for members of DAVO.
DAVO organizes every year an International DAVO Congress of Contemporary Middle East Studies with several hundred and even up to thousand participants. In order to promote the career of young scholars, the annual Congress offers also Special Workshops for PhD Candidates who can introduce the draft of their dissertation and benefit from the advice of experienced scholars. The best dissertations in Middle East studies which were accepted by a university in the previous year are honored during the Congress with the „DAVO Dissertation Award“ including up to 3000 Euros.
Members of the advisory board:

Prof. Dr. Günter Meyer
Chairman; Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz

Prof. Dr. Irene Schneider
Vice Chairwoman; Seminary for Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Göttingen

PD Dr. Hermann Kandler
Treasurer; Department for Turkology, University of Mainz

Prof. Dr. Thomas Demmelhuber
Secretary; Institute for Political Science, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Members of the academic council:

Dr. Silvana Becher-Çelik
Department for Turkology, University of Mainz

Dr. Philipp Bruckmayr
Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Vienna

Prof. Dr. Georg Glasze
Institute of Geography, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Prof. Dr. Aymon Kreil
Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University

Prof. Dr. Johanna Pink
Oriental Seminary, University of Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Udo Steinbach
Maecenata Stiftung/MENA Study Centre, Berlin

Prof. Dr. Serena Tolino
Institute for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Societies, University of Bern